FAQs About Faith and Film at Film Alley

Frequently Asked Questions


Faith and Film Dive In Theater Logo

Q: How is this an ESL class?

A: You may see a church from time to time offering a conversational English class for immigrants—English as a second language—to help them become more fluent in English. Essentially, the Faith and Film classes are entertainment as a second language—helping improve the media literacy and fluency of anyone who watches movies. Zion Lutheran Church and School of Walburg has contracted with Parabolic Media to curate a series of classes for anyone interested in registering.

Q: Why not call it Christianity and Film?

A: While this series will certainly be filtered through the lens of Christianity, alternative faiths and worldviews are the foundation of many good movies—even some that are labeled as Christian movies. In fact, virtually all movies promote the filmmaker’s values and beliefs.

Q: Why should I improve my media literacy?

A: Dr. Robert Johnson (Professor of Theology and Culture at Fuller Seminary) has stated that the cinema’s storytellers have become the new priests of our culture. As such, the movie theater has become another great competitor for the church because great movies inspire (or disturb) people in profound ways. “Consciously or unconsciously, all filmmakers have an ethical purpose in their work. All movies have a moral. In both obvious and subtle ways, filmmakers infuse their worldview into the story. If you think about it, the movie is the filmmaker’s prayer.” (quoted from the series’ curriculum, The Filmmaker’s Prayer).

Q: What if I am not a Christian?

A: Our primary aim is to uncover and compare the beliefs promoted in the movie to a mainstream Christian worldview. Admittedly, our discussion leaders will likely interpret the film through a lens compatible with relatively conservative Lutheran theology. However, people of all faiths and religions are invited and encouraged to share their insights. There will be no judgment.

Q: Where and when will the classes be held?

A: Responding to this need in our community, Parabolic Media has made arrangements with Film Alley on Wolf Ranch Parkway in Georgetown to use the theater as a suitable classroom. This enables us to examine films in their most natural and powerful state. Unlike a movie you merely watch for entertainment, we include a discussion—a careful examination and reflection after the screening that will help us all understand the shared experience.

The spring 2025 classes are scheduled for the first Sundays in February, March, April, and May, starting at 5:30 p.m. and ending sometime around 8:30 p.m. (depending on the length of the film).

    Q: What movies will you examine?

    A: Movies are carefully selected for this course.

    Spring Dates, Movies, and Respondents

    February 2 — A classic movie with Rev. Dr. David Kluth
    March 2 — A movie mystery with Dr. Jacob Youmans
    April 6 — A timely movie with Dr. Denise Patrick
    May 4 — A popular movie with Scott Linebrink

    Participants will receive a study guide for each film to guide them through both the obvious and subtle religious themes and faith expressions that can be recognized in the movie. Check back soon for study guides for the films selected for spring 2025.

    Q: Will you examine R-rated films?

    A: Our approach is not to ask if we should show films like these but to ask if these more difficult scenes and themes somehow make the film exempt from critical examination. We find that many R-rated films need close scholarly, theological, and philosophical analysis. However, if you normally avoid such films, you can simply skip the class that session. Or, like the scientist, don goggles, gloves, and a lab coat when examining such artifacts.

    Q: How does the informal class differ from a traditional college class?

    A: Like a college class, a curriculum is provided to assist learning. Far beyond a simple appreciation for a film’s aesthetics, participants will fully examine their personal and societal responses to the worldviews promoted in popular movies. Learners will be equipped and inspired to identify, interpret, and respond to these cultural artifacts.

    Q: Will I have homework if I attend the informal class?

    A: No. We only suggest that you become at least marginally familiar with the curriculum material provided (a digital copy of a book). In our discussion, you can add your voice to the mix or just silently enjoy the conversation.

    Q: Do I get academic credit?

    A: The class is for your own edification. However, those who attend all eight classes planned for 2025 will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion upon request.

    Q: What is the cost of the course?

    A: We do not sell tickets as an entertainment venue would, but there is a modest fee to help cover the costs of the curriculum and rental expenses. 

    • Spring Series, Single Participant (up to four nights): $15
    • Spring Series, Group—up to Four People (up to four nights): $25

    The fee structure is set up to encourage attendance at the entire series and to bring family, friends, and neighbors. We also encourage patrons to consider a modest gift to help sustain and grow the series.


    Q: May I bring someone with me?

    A: We highly encourage everyone to invite other learners to spread media literacy in our community. Consider inviting friends from Bible studies, home groups, friends from work, or family members. Again, we must have an RSVP accounting for all attendees so we can make sure seats are available. All participants will receive a digital copy of the curriculum.

    Registered participants (including group organizers) can RSVP here, including the selection of reserved seats.

    Q: Who and what are Movie Missionaries?

    A: Our goal is to make literate viewer-critics who can put the story in proper perspective and help others do the same. The class is necessary because most viewers can only unconsciously process the messages filmmakers embed in their stories.

    We are recruiting people who have a passion for helping their friends, family members, and neighbors grow in their literacy. Even like active Christians from time to time, the unchurched and de-churched may also struggle to find their purpose in life. For many of us, bringing our guests to the theater will prove easier than persuading them to attend church on Sunday. These movie missionaries will literally be taking the Gospel to the public square. 

    Do you know anyone who would rather talk about movies that spiritual matters? Watch this humorous video.

    Q: What or who is Parabolic Media?

    A: Dr. Philip Hohle of Parabolic Media is a trained scholar in the study of how people interpret movies. He has published and presented on this topic through the International Society for the Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image (SCSMI). He also has taught film interpretation and media law at the university level. With the help of other scholars in the area, he hosted the series Cinema and Religion at the Moviehouse & Eatery in Austin for eight years. His book, The Filmmaker’s Prayer, was written to serve as the curriculum for this series.

    Q: What if the weather is bad? What if no seats are left?

    A: Parabolic Media will send announcements to the email address you used in your RSVP if the event is canceled due to weather (or any other reason). Likewise, if RSVPs show that the theater will reach capacity, any additional persons submitting RSVPs will be sent an email informing them that no seats are left.

    Q: How do I contact you?

    A: You are welcome to email Philip Hohle with additional questions anytime: philip@parabolicmedia.com

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