Faith and Film Moving to Film Alley
After three seasons in 2024 and 2025, Faith and Film is moving to Film Alley, formerly known as City Lights, 420 Wolf Ranch Parkway,
Georgetown, TX 78628.
Film Alley is not a drive in theater, but this series makes it a dive-in theater, as participants will explore underlying morals and religious worldviews often disguised in great films. These classes equip Viewer-Critics to recognize and respond to the competing ideologies promoted within popular culture.
Watch the short promotional video here.
Another change is that the series is becoming monthly instead of weekly. The 2025 spring series is scheduled for February 2, March 2, April 6, and May 4. Tentatively, a fall series will be scheduled for September 7, October 5, November 2, and December 7.
Continue reading Faith and Film at Film Alley (Informal Class for the Community)